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This article is about Wizards. You may be looking for Magic Users.

Wizards are a prominent race whose presence permeates the Land of Ooo.

While there are many other magic users in Ooo, their status as a single, unified species has never been directly stated. As such, some wizards (e.g. Rock Wizard and Dimension Wizard) appear to be of completely different species, making it debatable if all characters called "wizards" or "witches" actually belong to a single species. However, since the Ice King and Betty Grof were once humans that became wizards later on in life, it's possible that wizards aren't necessarily born as such but can be transfigured from another species, similar to Vampires and Hug Wolves.


Wizards appear to mostly reside within Wizard City, a hidden location only accessible by a wizard saying the password: "Wizards rule." Many wizards seen on the series demonstrate a competitive, elitist attitude, explicitly forbidding non-wizards from participating in Wizard Battle or entering Wizard City, and punishing those who do. Wizards often seek to prove their power over others through such competitions as Wizard Battle, or by creating exclusionary clubs such as the Secret Society, which are based around unearthing secret magics from ancient schools. In "Thanks for the Crabapples, Giuseppe," it's shown that there are multiple secret societies within the wizard community, which often flaunt their "secret wizard handshakes" and mock non-members. Ice King, Abracadaniel, and several other lower-class wizards start their own society in that episode based on their shared experiences on a road trip.

All wizards have a concept of magic, madness, and sadness in them as revealed in "You Forgot Your Floaties." Betty Grof is researching this trinity in order to find a way to harness them in order to save Simon. Magic Man says there is a way to transfer magic from one being to another and says that magic and science are different. Magic transferal is proven true when Betty puts on Magic Man's hat and takes his magic and madness, causing her to become a wizard and leaving him to become Normal Man.

Notable Wizards[]

Wizards come in an assortment of different shapes and sizes; each having a variety of different powers.

From the show[]

From the comic book[]

Notable Wizards[]

Image Name
Ash trans
Huntress Wizard
Grassy Wizard
GM Wizard
Grand Master Wizard
Life Giving Magus
Ancient Sleeping Magi of Life Giving
Ron James
Ron James
Wizard student 8

Pupil 1

Wizard Student 2

Pupil 2

Wizard Student 3

Pupil 3

Wizard Student 4

Pupil 4

Wizard Student 5

Pupil 5

Wizard Student 6

Pupil 6

Wizard Student 7

Pupil 7

Sleeping Student

Sleeping Student

Wizard Students
Old Wizard


Old Wizards
S6e13 Berdzerd
S4 E24 Forest Wizard
Forest Wizard
Laser Wizard
Laser Wizard
Flame Lord
Flame Lord
Dimension Wizard
Dimension Wizard
Wizard Thief
Wizard Thief
Gentleman Wizard
Gentleman Wizard
Lady Wizard
Lady Wizard 1
Lady Wizard 2
Lady Wizard 2
Weapon Head
Weapon Head
Naked Wizard
Peppermint Butler
Peppermint Butler
Brain Wiz
Brain Wiz
Rock Wizard
Rock Wizard
S6e13 Beau
S6e13 Leaf Man
Leaf Man
Wizard Police
Prison Chef
Wizard Prison Chef

Other Wizards[]

Wizard 1
Wizard 3
Wizard 4
Wizard 5
Wizard 5 b
Wizard 6
Wizard 7
Wizard 8
Wizard 8 b
Wizard 9
Wizard 9 b
Wizard 10
Wizard 10 closeup
Wizard 14
Wizard 15
Wizard birds and girl
Wizard bird lady closeup
Wizard 21
Wizard city group
Wizard city group-2
Two Wizards
Wizard 24
Wizard 25
Wizard 26
Wizard 28
Wizard 29
Wizard Tailor
Wizard 34
Wizard 35
Wizards 36
Wizard city group-3
Wizard city group-4
Wizard city group-5
Wizard city band

Wizard Prisoners[]

Prisoner 1
Prisoner 2
Prisoner 3
Prisoner 4
Prisoner 5
Prisoner 6
Prisoner 7
Prisoner 8
Prisoner 9
Prisoner 10
Prisoner 11
Prisoner 12
Prisoner 13
Prisoner 63
Prisoner group-1
Prisoner group-2
Prisoner group-3
Prisoner group-4
Prisoner group-5
Prisoner group-6
Prisoner group-7

Wizard City Students[]

Wizard student crowd-1
Wizard student-1
Wizard student-2
Wizard student axolotl-1
Wizard student axolotl-2
Wizard student hair ape veggie witch robot
Wizard student flower purple humanoid
Wizard student crowd-2
Wizard student snake
Wizard student fruit-1
Wizard student crowd-3
Wizard student crowd-4
Wizard student cherry berry wildberry
Wizard student crystal
Wizard student humanoid horns
Wizard student fox
Wizard student house head
Wizard student humanoid
Wizard student mushroom
Wizard student earthworm
Wizard student gummy lemon tree
Wizard student pot crustacean love
Wizard student crowd-5
Wizard student griffin
Wizard student horn dragon deer moose creature
Wizard student pincer bug
Wizard student root grass dirt
Wizard student crowd-6
Wizard student root grass square
Wizard student Woodeewoo
Wizard student potato shock
Wizard student humanoid-2
Wizard student pair bat
Wizard student centaur
Wizard student cloud goblin
Wizard student crowd pair-2
Wizard student crowd-7


  • The creators of Adventure Time have suggested that "wizard" is the actual species of two characters: Ice King and Ash.
    • When asked whether Ice King was a human, Natasha Allegri responded that he was a wizard.[1] It was later revealed that the Ice King was in fact formerly a human before he discovered the ice crown, which changed his body and drove him insane turning him into a wizard. Allegri's statement is still factually true, however.
    • Adam Muto has stated that Ash is a wizard, "Not a vampire or demon."[2]
    • Note that in both cases, it was only implied by the nature of the question (not directly stated) that "wizard" is a species.
  • The real-world Enchiridion, there are multiple fun facts listed about wizards. However, it is unknown if these are rumors or facts.
    • Most wizards are tone-deaf.
    • Most wizards have hormone imbalances that are exacerbated by glucose compounds.
    • Most wizards shave between their eyebrows to disguise the fact they have unibrows so thick that it looks like gross black caterpillars are fighting over their eyes.



See also[]
