"Together Again" is the third episode of Adventure Time: Distant Lands. The episode was originally listed the last episode in Distant Lands, but it was produced and aired before the next episode "Wizard City".
After their death from natural cause many years after the events of Obsidian, Finn and Jake reunite to rediscover their brotherly bond and embark on the most important adventure of their lives.[2]
Many decades have passed since the events of "Obsidian." Through a hallucination, it is revealed that Jake has passed away, which severely traumatized Finn. In this hallucination, Finn goes on an adventure that takes him back to his pre-teens, but things seem off. It begins with Finn and Jake escaping a cave made out of ice cream, running from a group of ice cream monsters after they stole the prized "50-Flavor Ice Cream." After leaving the cave, Ice King is spotted above, kidnapping Turtle Princess and Lumpy Space Princess. The two follow him, fighting a few snow golems on the way. When they reach his castle, they find the two princesses tied to a unique contraption. Ice King explains that if Finn saves one, the other will fall into boiling ice. Finn manages to save both of them, Jake becoming partially frozen in the process. Turtle Princess then remembers that giant worms are destroying her Library, a task Finn takes care of easily using Jake's ice block and a wagon for a weapon. A giant bird scoops up the remaining worm, with the duo hitching a ride back to the Tree Fort. An open grave is seen, and Jake is seen slowly crawling toward it. This causes Finn to start panicking, and it only intensifies after Jake suddenly melts into the grave, which now reads "R.I.P. JAKE."
Finn manages to free himself from a Dream Parasite's grasp after noticing his "backpack's" strange behavior, and he realizes that the whole thing was a hallucination. Finn has passed away naturally and is now seen amongst various older characters in a cave, which leads to the entrance to the Land of the Dead. Upon realizing he is dead, Finn excitedly rushes through the gate (once again not listening to the Gate Guardian) knowing he can finally be with Jake again. He believes he has spotted Jake, only to unexpectedly find Mr. Fox. Mr. Fox explains that he is Finn's assigned guide to the Dead World, but it is evident that Finn is dead-set on finding Jake. Mr. Fox informs Finn that he can appear as any past version of himself, whether it be a different age, past life, or temporary transformation. After briefly transforming into different versions and past incarnations (including Shoko) Finn decides to go with his "recognizable" teenage self. After Finn demands to meet New Death at his castle, the two meet Tiffany, who is now one of the guards working for New Death. After taking a tour of the castle (and knocking Tiffany out cold), Finn finds New Death messing around in his throne room. New Death is completely different from his predecessor, reckless and not to be reasoned with. His angsty teenage attitude causes him to get frustrated at even minor inconveniences, which makes him threaten Finn and Tiffany's second death. However, when he hears Finn say he'll do whatever it takes to reach the 50th dead world, New Death gains a sinister grin, then surprisingly spares him and kicks him out. Because Finn's interference nearly had him sliced into nothing, Tiffany believes that they're enemies again. Finn apologizes and reminds him of their bonds with Jake, only to betray his trust and steal his undertaker pipe.
Finn searches through various dead worlds, eventually finding Joshua, Margaret, and Jermaine. They advise him that you can only get to the 50th dead world, where Jake resides, by not wanting to get there. As Finn struggles to do so, he goes up to the roof to keep trying to "not want to get there." Not long after, Tiffany and other undertakers arrives and blow up the dead world, leaving Finn floating through space, alone and emotional. When Finn yearns for his old buddy in a desperate cry, Jake feels his vibrations, and finally comes down to him from the 50th Dead World. Despite how badly Finn wanted to see him, Jake is unconcerned, and simply says "I'll see you when you get to the 50th." He starts floating back up to the 50th dead world until Finn distracts him with gum. A group of undertakers then catch Finn by surprise and outnumber him. Jake, realizing the danger, loses the act and joins in, taking them out with ease. New Death appears, and reveals letting Finn find Jake was part of his plan to eliminate all of the dead worlds; he couldn't reach the 50th dead world, so he waited for Finn to bring Jake out of it to gain access. However, he is disappointed to see it is fairly bland, and everybody there has simply found true peace. But nonetheless, New Death destroys the 50th dead world, and everybody in the Land of the Dead is now in the 1st dead world, where the worst of the worst reside. It is then shown that Tiffany saved Joshua, Margaret, and Jermaine from the explosion, but is keeping them tied up.
Finn and Jake attempt to contact Princess Bubblegum through ghost-calling, only to find Peppermint Butler instead. After asking for Finn's permission to use his bones for a spell (despite already having them), he helps them get to Life's realm. Upon meeting Life, they discover that she is the mother of New Death. Outraged that her son was preventing reincarnation (her whole purpose), Life gives Finn and Jake the Kiss of Life, a staff capable of conquering death. However, the duo runs out of time before she can give them a crucial warning. When Finn and Jake reappear in the first dead world, Tiffany saves Finn from a giant monster, but says he is only there for Jake. Jake points out that as long as New Death is in charge, no soul will ever be happy, which convinces Tiffany to help. Tiffany has them disguise themselves as Shoko and her tiger, but it doesn't work out, and Finn and Jake go rogue. The other undertakers rip off Tiffany's wings and throw him into the bottomless pit as punishment, but he is saved by Joshua and Margaret, who decide to take him in as their own son.
Finn and Jake challenge New Death with the Kiss of Life, and manage to strike him down. As they are trying to figure out how to actually use the kiss, New Death gets back up and starts charging. With quick thinking, Finn uses his note from Margaret (reading "Hold Still") as a majestic talisman, trapping him. New Death reveals he never actually wanted to become Death, and that it was a consequence of him striking Death down and becoming "chained to his stuff", slyly telling Finn and Jake the same will happen to one of them if they strike him down. As Finn and Jake debate their next move, they are interrupted by a sinister yet familiar voice from New Death, revealed to be none other than The Lich, who gained possession of New Death by becoming his right hand man (literally), and manipulated him into killing his father and ending the cycle of resurrection. He begins to burn the talisman with an incantation. Finn and Jake fight over who will stop him, as they are both willing to take on Death's role in sacrifice for their friend. Right as Mr. Fox arrives, The Lich destroys the talisman and charges. Mr. Fox manages to activate the Kiss of Life just in time, killing New Death and taking his place. The Lich's hand is all that's left, and he attempts to take control of Mr. Fox as well. Jake promptly crushes him and throws him out into the vastness of the Land of the Dead, while Mr. Fox grants all the residents of the afterlife passage to the other Dead Worlds (except Wyatt, who is left in the 1st).
He and Finn say goodbye to Joshua, Margaret, Jermaine, and Tiffany, and Finn then opens up to Jake on how he felt after his death; he had other things to live for, but deep down he was just waiting until he could die and be with Jake again. Finn then asks to be reincarnated, to which Mr. Fox agrees, while Jake decides to remain in the 50th dead world. However, Jake ends up changing his mind at the last minute and rushes to join Finn. They fist bump one final time, finding themselves together again.
Major characters[]
- Finn
- Jake
- Undertakers (debut)
- New Death (debut)
- Mr. Fox
- Joshua
- Margaret
- Farmworld Lich
Minor Characters[]
- Death (flashbacks)
- Ice King (hallucination)
- Lumpy Space Princess (hallucination)
- Turtle Princess (hallucination)
- Waffle Cone Trolls (debut/hallucinations)
- Snow Golem (hallucination)
- Gumbald (Snow Golem; hallucination)
- Peace Master (Snow Golem; hallucination)
- Giant Worms (debut/hallucinations)
- Giant Green Birds (debut/hallucination)
- Dirt Beer Guy (skeleton; hallucination)
- Lemongrab (skeleton; hallucination)
- Me-Mow (skeleton; hallucination)
- Abracadaniel (skeleton; hallucination)
- Snail (hallucination/skeleton/flashback; possessed)
- Dream Parasites (debut)
- Donny
- Cobbler
- An Old Lady
- A Goblin
- Charlie
- Gate Guardian
- Monsters of the 1st Dead World (debut)
- A House Person
- A Soft Person
- A Backrubber
- Blue Catalyst Comet
- A Butterfly
- An Interdimensional Creature
- Shoko
- Tree Trunks
- Mr. Pig (also as skeleton in hallucination)
- Alien Husband
- Randy
- Danny
- Ricardio (cameo)
- President Porpoise
- Jermaine
- A Spiky Person
- Three Bath Boy Gang members
- Gnome Ruler
- Goblin King
- Blargetha
- A Marshmallow Kid
- Maja
- Choose Goose
- Grass Demon
- Why-wolves
- Ricardio
- Hair Apes
- Peppermint Butler
- Life
- Shoko's tiger
- Wyatt
- Ghost Princess
- Clarence
- Chocoberry
- Booshy
- Princess Bubblegum (mentioned/statue/flashback; possessed)
- Farmworld Jake (Lich hand/flashback; possessed)
- Billy (flashback; possessed)
- Ice Finn (flashback)
- Fish (cameo)
- Boobafina (mentioned)
- Fern (mentioned)
- Land of the Dead
- Candy Kingdom
- Kingdom of the Living (debut)
- This is the only episode of Distant Lands in which the original series' opening sequence is featured.
- Additionally, the Cartoon Network Studios endtag is from the original series, unlike the other episodes which use clips from earlier in the episode.
- Many characters from the series appeared in the various Dead Worlds: Joshua, Margaret, Jermaine, Tree Trunks, Mr. Pig, Randy, Danny, Wyatt, Tree Trunks' Alien Husband, Mr. Fox, three members of the Bath Boy Gang, Maja, Blargetha, the Gnome Ruler, Choose Goose, Donny, one of the Soft People, one of the House People, one of the Old Ladies, Booshy, Ghost Princess, Clarence, one of the Marshmallow Kids, the Cobbler, the Goblin King, and Tiffany Oiler.
- When Tiffany is last seen, Margaret is seen holding shaving cream. This implies she will shave him, referencing the fact he has had mustache hair above his lip for the entire series.
- It is revealed that Life and Death have had a son, who kills Death under the Lich's influence and takes Death's place.
- Mr. Fox is now the ruler of all 50 Dead Worlds, taking the place of New Death.
- Tiffany is adopted by Joshua and Margaret.
- This is the only instance where Shoko is seen in her normal form with both of her arms.
- This episode features the third depiction of an older Finn, with the first two versions seen in "Puhoy" and "Dungeon Train". Unlike his first two appearances, in which he was voiced by Jonathan Frakes, Old Finn is voiced by David Bradley in this episode.
- However, the first two depictions were simply alternate versions of Finn's future, while this episode shows a definite, canonical Finn when he is elderly.
- This was thought to be the final appearance of both Finn and Jake, however they both returned in some capacity in the next Adventure Time spin-off series, Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake, which is set before the events of this episode.
- However, the first two depictions were simply alternate versions of Finn's future, while this episode shows a definite, canonical Finn when he is elderly.
- The ice cream has 50 flavors, and has an image of an enlightened soul on the tub, referencing the 50th dead world.
- Finn's reluctance to leave Jake and meet up later to eat the ice cream likely represents how he had intended for them to die together.
- Upon flying over the bird's nest, many skeletons fill it and resemble several characters who would be dead at this point just like Finn.
- These skeletons resemble: Me-Mow, Lemongrab, Abracadaniel, Mr. Pig, the Snail and Dirt Beer Guy.
- The Snail can also be seen alive earlier in the hallucination (walking on Ice King's contraption), adding to the fact that this is supposed to resemble an old episode.
- These skeletons resemble: Me-Mow, Lemongrab, Abracadaniel, Mr. Pig, the Snail and Dirt Beer Guy.
- The book Mind Games can be seen thrown from the Library during the hallucination, and is also seen later in Finn's backpack.
- Peppermint Butler's reversed dialogue translates to "Kee Oth Rama Pancake", the spell used to banish Kee-Oth.
- At the beginning of the episode, Finn uses his first sword, Scarlet, in an hallucination.
- Finn's Demon Blood Sword can also be seen in Joshua and Margaret's house near the door.
- Additionally, in the flashback where it references every battle that Finn and Jake had with the Lich, the Grass Sword and the Small sword can be seen.
Episode Connections[]
- Finn's tattoo of Jake from "Obsidian" is seen, and it can be inferred that Finn got the tattoo after/because of Jake's death.
- This is the first time that the name "Finn" is written on a title card since "Finn the Human".
- Finn does a clapping sequence to try to find Jake in the dead world, referencing the clap he made up in "James Baxter the Horse".
- The Lich hand from "Crossover" and "Whispers" reappears, and possesses New Death.
- This is the second time where Finn and Jake have an adventure involving the Land of the Dead, with the first being in "Death in Bloom".
- Much like a scene in the aforementioned episode, Finn and Jake's cover is blown due to Jake's flatulence.
- Once again, the Gate Guardian is ineffective at making Finn follow the rules.
- Finn phases through New Death after trying to kick him, not remembering he had done the same with Death.
- In the aforementioned episode, Peppermint Butler grants Finn and Jake passage into Death's realm in exchange for their flesh. Here, he grants them passage into Life's realm in exchange for use of their bones.
- Mr. Fox being able to split his head in half as one of his past forms implies that this was his cause of death, which may be why BMO has his skull in "Come Along With Me".
- Jermaine appears to have stopped painting abstract art since "Abstract," or has at least started painting portraiture in addition.
- Ghost Princess and Clarence appear in the 50th Dead World, having not been seen since they ascended there in "Ghost Princess".
- This is the fourth time Finn uses the Jake Suit, with his first three uses occurring in "The Silent King", "Jake Suit", and "Reboot".
- Life is seen for the first time since her brief appearances in "The Gift That Reaps Giving" and "Frog Seasons: Winter".
- She is voiced by Corinne Kempa in this episode, rather than Hynden Walch.
- When Finn and Jake contact Peppermint Butler, their ghost forms look very similar to the low-level ghosts from "Ghost Fly".
- The Snow Golem speaks in a baby voice, referencing its appearance in the Animated short.
- During the hallucination, Jake is seen half-frozen, much like he was in "Prisoners of Love".
- When Jake fist bumps Finn, he says "Ow!" and there is a metal clinking sound, hinting at the fact that this is a hallucination because Finn remembers his cybernetic arm.
- Finn transforms into all of his past lives seen in "The Vault".
- He also temporarily transforms into his Lumpy Space Person form from "Trouble in Lumpy Space".
- Jake turns into his blue alien form seen in "Skyhooks II" and "Abstract".
- He also briefly turns into Shoko's tiger, thereby revealing that it is one of his past lives.
- Joshua calls Finn a crybaby, likely referencing how he referred to him in "Dad's Dungeon".
- Margaret's crossbow from "Joshua and Margaret Investigations" is seen hanging on her wall by the door.
- The word "boing-loings" is used, referencing "Hitman", wherein the Ice King repeatedly states that “someone got hit in the boing-loings” in an attempt to distract Scorcher.
- Peppermint Butler takes the word "butt" as a distress signal when Finn and Jake write it on the Ouija board, referencing the fact it was used as a distress signal in "The Limit".
- Life can be heard humming part of "Lonely Bones", the song from her debut appearance.
- Jake's croak dream from "The New Frontier" seemingly came true, which explains why he is in the 50th Dead World this time, unlike the other times he died.
- This is the second time where Finn has an interaction with his mother Margaret since "Memories of Boom Boom Mountain".
- Finn assumes Margaret's offer of treats is Finn Cakes: his prized snacks that debuted in "In Your Footsteps".
- The many forms taken by the Lich throughout the series appear in a montage: His initial form from "His Hero" and "Mortal Folly"; the possessed Princess Bubblegum and her monstrous form from "Mortal Recoil"; the possessed snail from Seasons 3-4; the possessed Billy from "The Lich" to "Escape from the Citadel"; the Lich skeleton from "Escape from the Citadel"; the possessed Farmworld Jake from "Jake the Dog" and "Crossover"; and the Lich hand from "Crossover" and "Whispers".
- When Jake is rummaging through Finn's backpack, the shirt with a pocket from "It Came from the Nightosphere" is among the tossed-out items.
- Jake's awareness that the dead can make contact with the living likely stems from when Joshua contacted him and Jermaine in their dreams in "Crystals Have Power".
Cultural References[]
- The 1st Dead World takes inspiration from the 9th Circle of Hell in Dante's Inferno, where doomed souls drown in a lake of icy water.
- The Kiss of Life is likely based on the Rod of Asclepius. In Greek mythology, Asclepius was the first healer, patron of doctors, and the one who discovered how to revive the dead or 'conquer death', which is what the Kiss does.
- Jake's line "What do we do?" is the line of Darwin Watterson from Many Episode of The Amazing World of Gumball.
- Mr. Fox saying "quick brown fox" is likely a reference to the widely-known pangram, "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
Storyline Analysis[]
- A number of details in the opening scene help suggest to the audience it is an hallucination (and therefore, not real).
- Finn and Jake's fist-bump makes a clanking sound and Jake recoils in pain as if he hit metal, despite Finn having both of his arms.
- Finn is seen with his Golden Sword and both arms, yet his voice is deeper like it sounds in the later seasons of the series. Finn permanently lost the Golden Sword in "The Real You" in season 2 when Finn was only 12 and his voice sounded way more child-like then the later seasons.
- Finn and Jake are speaking in the "slang" words and Ice King is kidnapping princesses. Both feel more forced in and less natural then the early seasons as the slang words (mathematical, algebraic, slamacow, etc.) became phased out as the series progressed and Ice King stopped kidnapping princesses after "The Party's Over, Isla de Señorita" in season 5.
- The Snow Golem speaks in the baby-like voice like in the pilot though in the series he speaks in deeper voice, another indication something is off.
- Gumbald and Peace Master appear as snow golems. Finn is never actually seen on-screen with the Peace Master and he does not meet Gumbald until "Seventeen," in the final season where he turns seventeen and already lost his arm and the Golden Sword.
- Lemongrab, Dirt Beer Guy, Abracadaniel, Me-Mow, Mr. Pig and the Snail all appear as skeletons, though none of them were dead when Finn was younger.
- Also, Dirt Beer Guy was still Root Beer Guy when Finn still had Scarlet.
- The Ice King is more villainous and sadistic than in the show to the point where he arranged to let either LSP or Turtle Princess die, whilst the other is saved by Finn. Although the Ice King has attacked people and made death threats when angered in the show, he's never out right plotted to kill people before.
- It is unclear when exactly Jake passed away. It is implied that it occurred sometime before the events of "Obsidian," given that Finn had a tattoo of him on his chest.
- Jake is confirmed to have died prior to the events of "Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake" (set 12 years after "Come Along With Me") as revealed by Finn in the episode "Simon Petrikov". This largely hints that Jake died only a years after the series finale and that Finn lived most of his life without Jake though the exact timing and cause is still ambiguous.
- Peppermint Butler is seen reverted back to his previous personality and appearance no longer being mentally incapacitated and baby-like following his exposure to Gumbald's lobotomy juice in "Gumbaldia." It is unknown if this happened due to some sort of manual reversal of the juice's affects or if that given that decades have passed, he simply aged back into how he was given that he was transformed into an infant of sorts.
- Peppermint Butler has become the new ruler of the Candy Kingdom and takes care of a statue of Princess Bubblegum, although her actual status is unknown. She has either somehow passed on or, given she was living with Marceline during the events of "Obsidian", she may have moved out of the kingdom permanently.
- In the 50th Dead World, Ghost Princess and Clarence appear as ghosts rather than their living selves, despite being dead.
- However, this may be due to the fact that (presumably) anyone in the Dead Worlds can look like any past incarnation of themself.
- Life seems to speak French fluently, as when she hears that New Death is cancelling reincarnation, she says "Après tout ce que j'ai fais pour ce garçon, après tout ce que j'ai fais pour lui. Non mais c'est pas possible, ce n'est pas possible. Non ça me...ça m'infurie complètement! Mais c'est pas possible." This translates to: "After all I did for that boy, after all I did for him, no, it's not possible, it's not possible no, that...that makes me so mad but it's not possible."
Production Notes[]
- This was originally thought to be the fourth and final episode of Distant Lands given that most press reports promoted it as such, but Adam Muto revealed that the episode release order is based on the order in which the episodes are ordered by the network, and that "Wizard City" was ordered last, while "Together Again" became the third episode instead of the last.[3][4][5]
- This episode is dedicated to the memory of voice actors Polly Lou Livingston (Tree Trunks) and Miguel Ferrer (Death), as well as crew members Michel Lyman and Maureen Mlynarczyk.
- Ferrer passed away in 2017, prior to production of Distant Lands, while Livingston passed away a few months before the airing of this episode. She was featured posthumously in this episode, making this her final credit.
Official art[]
Production art[]
- ↑ http://https--twitter--com.proxy.hbcoal.com/hbomax/status/1384548565364535302
- ↑ http://https--tvline--com.proxy.hbcoal.com/2019/10/23/adventure-time-new-episodes-distant-lands-hbo-max/
- ↑ Adventure Time's Finn and Jake Are Together Again This May on HBO Max — Watch New Distant Lands Promo (2021-04-20). Retrieved on 2021 April 22.
- ↑ Did Together Again end up being boarded before Wizard City too?. Retrieved on 2021 April 21.
- ↑ Muto: "Yeah, Wizard City is still happening. The specials are being premiered in the order in which they're delivered. Initially, we only had an order for three episodes." (2021-04-21). Retrieved on 2021 April 21.
- ↑ http://https--twitter--com.proxy.hbcoal.com/eyecager/status/1488348765962457088?s=20&t=6YrRfO38mkAq278Xa5_rXQ