This category is for inanimate objects that appear in Adventure Time.
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Mushroom Bomb
All items (398)
- Baby Ballet
- Baby Eating Fox and the Babies
- Baby Whoozlefut & the Wuttlebugs
- Bacon Pancakes (food)
- Bag of Holding
- Baker's Shard
- Ball Blam Burglerber
- Banana
- Banana Man's rocket
- Basic Mortality
- Battle Babe
- Battle moon
- Be A Ninja
- Beauty Beard
- Bebe
- Bee Marionette
- Bestiarium Vocabulum
- Big Baby Root Beer
- Ble
- Blimby's "WHO GOTS DA ABC'S"
- Blood Drive
- BMO Cake
- BMO's skateboard
- Bod-Rod
- Bomb
- Bonnie's wristband
- Booboo Sousa
- Booger
- Book of Poisons
- Book of Royal Rules
- Boomerang bottle
- Boy Stuff Book
- Breadstick wand
- Breakfast Princess' car
- Bubble creator
- Bug Battle
- Bug milk
- Butt Chest
- Butt Stuff Book
- Calling All Curlys
- Candy cane shotgun
- Candy helicopter
- Candy Queen's giant mixer
- Candy Queen's hovercraft
- Candy Queen's sword
- Candy seed
- Candy Zombie flesh
- Captain Tasty's Placemat
- Card Wars (game)
- Cart Guy's cart
- Catalyst Comets
- Catapult
- The Catuambivolcusorix
- Caturday Surprise
- Chalice
- Cherry Blossom Wand
- Choose Goose's Armor
- Cinnamon Bun's Dog
- Cities Book
- Clambulance
- Cloud trawler
- Cold Serum
- Cold spell
- Conversation Parade
- Cosmic gauntlets
- Crabapples
- Creepy Stuff Book
- Crotch catapult
- Crystal Eye
- Crystal Gem Apple
- Crystal Mergence of Destruction
- Cyclops tears
- Fight King's sword
- Finn Bot
- Finn Cake
- Finn Sword
- Finn's arms
- Finn's crossbows
- Finn's flute
- Finn's hat
- Finn's pack
- Finn's phone
- Finn's Phone (The Pajama War)
- Finn's sweaters
- Finn's swords
- Finnās prosthetic arm
- Fionna & Cake Meet Finn & Jake
- Fionna and Cake (book)
- Fionna and Cake Omnibus
- Fionna's swords
- Fire Guitar
- Fitties Book
- Flakies
- Flame cloak
- Flame Princess' scented candles
- Freezing Potion A
- Fried Chicken Doll
- Full of Beans
- Fun tray
- Future crystal
- FĆ¼t StĆ¼ff Book
- Gauntlet dock
- Gems of Power
- Ghost pouch
- Giant Poison Candy Aspirin
- Gingerbread man movie
- Girl Stuff Book
- Glasses of Nerdicon
- Glowing sword
- Gnome Salt Shaker
- Golden Bone
- Googoomamameter
- Grape Juice Sword
- Grass Sword
- Gray Alien Ship
- Grayble
- Green Knight's Axe
- Grob Gob Glob Grod's device
- Gross Stuff Book
- Guillermo
- Gumbald's outside clock
- Gunter's keyboard
- Gut Grinder's mace