These are minor, cameo, and/or scrapped characters that have appeared in only one aired episode or more.
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All items (912)
- Aadil
- Abraham Lincoln
- Air
- Alarm Clock Creature
- Albert
- Alien Husband
- Allen
- Alva
- Amoeba
- Ancient Glass Princess
- Ancient Psychic Tandem War Elephant
- Ancient Sleeping Magi of Life Giving's father
- Ancient Sleeping Magi of Life Giving's mother
- Animal (Memories of Boom Boom Mountain)
- Ann
- Ant (Storytelling)
- Antelope
- Aquandrius
- Armadillo
- Ash
- Babette
- Baby Cinnamon Bun
- Baby Finn
- Baby Jake
- Baby Jiggler
- Baby Spiders
- Baby Teeth Finns
- Bad Timing/Demons
- Bagel
- Balloons
- Balthus
- Banana Guards (Silent World)
- Banana Man
- Bandit Princess
- Bandito
- Barb
- Bartram
- Baskets & Boots Owner
- Bat
- Bat Bugs
- Bath Boy Gang leader
- Battle Cubes
- Bear
- Beau
- Beautiful Lady
- Beaver
- Bebe
- Becca
- Bee
- Bee Princess
- Bella Noche
- Bellamy Bug
- Berdzerd
- Beth
- Betty Grof A.I.
- Big Destiny
- Big Guy
- Bikini Babes
- Billybee
- Billybee's Gang Bees
- Bird inside out
- Bird Man Skeleton
- Bird Nest Worm
- Bland Alien Creatures
- Blanket Dragon
- Blargetha
- Blastronaut
- Ble's Founder
- Bliblob
- Blindfold Guy
- Blue Gumdrop Guy
- Blue Jay
- Blue Nose
- Blueberry Cops
- BMO (Extinct World)
- Bob Rainicorn
- Bobby (Farmworld Billy)
- Bogo
- Boilbee
- Boney
- Boobafina
- Boobafina (Grotto World)
- Booboo
- Booger
- Booko
- Bounce House Princess
- Bouncy Bee
- Box Prince (character)
- Box Prince Impostor
- Boy Bear
- Boyfriend & Girlfriend Skeletons
- Braco
- Brad
- Brain Beast
- Brain Wiz
- Breakfast Princess
- Breezy (character)
- Bronwyn
- Bronwyn's Friends
- Bruce Mangosteen
- Bryce
- Buck Pudding
- Bucket Knight
- Bufo
- Bug
- Bugbear
- Bun Bun (character)
- Bunny
- Burger Monster
- Bushboots
- Business Men
- Butt Chest
- Butterfly (Still)
- Butterfly With Laser Gun
- Butterscotch Butler
- Cactus Creatures
- Cactus Guy
- Cadmus Legion
- Cake People
- Cake People Mutant
- Cake Titans
- Candy Baby
- Candy Boss
- Candy Box Man
- Candy Clouds
- Candy Corn rats
- Candy Elemental (St. Pim Era)
- Candy Elemental (Unknown Era)
- Candy Mother
- Candy Nanny
- Candy Person 1
- Candy Person 10
- Candy Person 102
- Candy Person 103
- Candy Person 104
- Candy Person 105
- Candy Person 107
- Candy Person 108
- Candy Person 112
- Candy Person 16
- Candy Person 2
- Candy Person 203
- Candy Person 28
- Candy Person 3 (female)
- Candy Person 35
- Candy Person 39
- Candy Person 44
- Candy Person 50
- Candy Person 53
- Candy Person 56
- Candy Person 57
- Candy Person 59 (Male)
- Candy Person 60
- Candy Person 67
- Candy Tavern Bartender
- Candy Tavern People
- Canyon
- Captain Banana Guard
- Caramel Sally
- Carlos
- Carroll
- Cart Creature
- Cart Guy
- Catapult Guy
- Celina
- Centipede
- Charlie (duck)
- Chatsberry
- Cherry Blossom Ghost
- Cherry Cream Soda (character)
- Cherub
- Cheryl
- Chet
- Chinchizard
- Chips and Ice Cream (characters)
- Chocolate Chip
- Choose Bruce
- Choose Goose
- Choose Goose (Grotto World)
- Choose Goose (Multiversus)
- Choose Goose (Silent World)
- Christopher the Honorary Banana Guard
- Chud
- Cinnamon Bun (Winterworld)
- Circus Insects
- Citadel Guardians
- Citadel Prisoners
- Citizen Peanut
- Clarence