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The Candy People are the primary citizens of the Candy Kingdom, created and ruled by Princess Bubblegum.


The Candy People are a typically happy race of life forms created from a variety of "candy." They have a high-sense of gullibility and a tendency to explode when scared.[1][2][3] Princess Bubblegum has described them as mercurial, but not "dillweeds." Despite she created them that way so they would not question her decisions or try to overthrow her, as Gumbald had attempted to, many Candy People do question her anyway. By "Come Along With Me", she has accepted their behavior and regrets trying to make them docile.

Candy Zombies[]

Candy Zombies were first seen and created in the episode "Slumber Party Panic." They were accidentally created by Princess Bubblegum's decorpsinator serum. Although her goal to bring dead Candy People back to life was realized, it resulted in turning the corpses into zombies.

The zombies craved sugar, and so they went to Princess Bubblegum's Castle, where all the citizens were gathered. Although they do not explode when surprised, like their live counterparts, they can be killed by being beaten like a pinata. When dead, they open up to reveal that they are filled with a fluffy, candy-like substance. It is unknown whether this is true for all Candy People or just the zombies. Also, as shown in "Mystery Train" and "Slumber Party Panic," the Candy People, dead or alive, have bones and skeletons, though when the zombies are busted open, there are no bones. This may be a mistake.

A second plague of Candy Zombies emerge in "From Bad to Worse," created after Cinnamon Bun eats a piece of Candy Zombie flesh from the first infestation. This plague is notable for being even larger and worse than the first, as it was enhanced by 3 attempts of Finn, Jake and Lady Rainicorn and LSP to replicate the decorpsinator serum, each attempt a failure (The first gave the zombies Wings, the second gave them big lips, and third gave them super human muscles). This infection nearly destroyed the entire Candy Kingdom, including Princess Bubblegum. Non-candy beings such as Jake, Lady Rainicorn and Lumpy Space Princess were also infected and except non-candy beings Finn and Starchy who are uninfected. However, this was stopped when Science, the Candy Corn Rat, creates the correct decorpsinator serum and cures everyone, it was applied by Finn coating himself in the solution, when the zombies went to bite him they were cured instead.

Lemon Children[]

In "All Your Fault," it is revealed that Princess Bubblegum accidentally left the Candy life formula at Castle Lemongrab, and the Lemongrabs used it to create a kingdom of Lemon Children, distorted Candy People created in the Lemongrabs' image. Eventually, after having used all the candy Bubblegum had given them, they sent Lemonjon, the biggest Lemon Child to steal all the candy in the Candy Kingdom so they could create an army to steal all the candy in the world so they all wouldn't starve to death. However, Finn and Jake cause Lemonjohn to realize what he was doing was wrong and he blew himself up into vast amount of lemon candies to feed the Lemon Children. Afterwards, Princess Bubblegum erased the Candy life formula from the Lemongrabs' minds.

List of Candy People[]

The following list of Candy People uses images, official names, and production numbers seen on character designs posted by Fred Seibert.[4] Only names from official sources are listed here; all others should be left blank.

Image Official Name Prod. No. Basic Description Other details
Bubblegum Princess Bubblegum None Bubblegum Humanoid Princess of the Candy Kingdom
Neddy Neddy None Bubblegum Dragon Princess Bubblegum's younger brother; he is the source for the candy essence and lives in the roots of a tree.
Earl Earl of Lemongrab None Lemon Candy The Earl of Lemongrab, heir to the Candy Kingdom throne. Created by Princess Bubblegum.
Lemongrab 2 in clothes with septer Lemongrab 2 None Lemon Candy A clone of the Earl of Lemongrab and co-ruler of Lemongrab. Created by Princess Bubblegum.
Lemongrab3-0 Lemongrab 3 None Lemon Candy Used parts of Earl of Lemongrab and Lemongrab 2. Created by Princess Bubblegum.
Cotton Candy Princess Cotton Candy Princess None Cotton Candy Rescued from the Fire Count by Billy.
Banan Guard Banana Guard None Banana Popsicle Not actually candy; police of the Candy Kingdom
Candy Cane Candy Cane Guy None Candy Cane Changes color in "Mystery Train"
Gumdrop Lass2 Gumdrop Lass 1 079 Pink Gumdrop Mostly seen with Gumdrop Lass 2
Gumdrop Lass Gumdrop Lass 2 080 Blue Gumdrop Mostly seen with Gumdrop Lass 1
Green sprinkle gumdropGreen Gumdrop Dude Green Gumdrop Dude 010 Green Gumdrop Third to be murdered in "Mystery Train," the brighter one appears in "The Enchiridion!"
Chet transparent Chet 008 Chocolate Covered Peanut First to show signs of flipping out in "Slumber Party Panic"
Cinnamon Cinnamon Bun None Cinnamon bun Former Royal Tart Toter
Starchy Starchy None Chocolate Malt Ball Gravedigger, mailman in Legends of Ooo, train conductor in "Escape From the Citadel"
Peppermint Butler Peppermint Butler None Starlight Peppermint Acquaintance of Death, as revealed in "Death in Bloom"


None Originally Bubblegum Humanoid, Became Punch bowl, via Dum Dum Juice Not actually candy
Gumbald Artwork Gumbald Currently Punch Bowl, temporarily reverted back to Bubblegum Humanoid, via lumps. Princess Bubblegum's uncle and former ruler of Gumbaldia
Taffy Girl Taffy Girl None White Taffy Strips Horse/dog/camel like candy person
Jelly bean people Jelly Bean People None Jelly Beans They make the Royal Tarts in the Tartorium.
Candy guard Royal Tart Path Guard None Green Candy Corn They guard the Royal Tart Path.
Stack of Pancakes Unknown None Stack of Pancakes Not actually candy; makes cameo in "The Enchiridion!" and "Mortal Recoil"
DrDextrose Dr. Dextrose None Marshmallow He along with Dr. Ice Cream and Dr. Donut are candy people doctors.
Candy Person -24 Candy Person #24 024 Jelly Roll Part of the castle staff
DrDonut Dr. Donut None Donut He along with Dr. Ice Cream and Dr. Dextrose are candy people doctors.
DrIce Dr. Ice Cream None Chocolate Ice Cream Cone She along with Dr. Donut and Dr. Dextrose are candy people doctors.
Nurse Poundcake Nurse Pound Cake None Pound Cake Help Dr. Ice Cream and Dr. Princess in remaking Princess Bubblegum in "Mortal Recoil"
Icecreamguy Ice Cream Guy None Ice Cream Has a crush on Lollipop Girl
Manfried Manfried None Originally Bubblegum Humanoid, Became Piñata, via Dum Dum Juice He acts as an intercom system for the Candy Kingdom.
Aunt Lolly Render Lolly None Formerly Piñata. Reverted back to Bubblegum Humanoid, via lumps Princess Bubblegum's aunt and current ruler of Gumbaldia
Candy Person 1 Candy Magician 001 Wafer One of the participants in the Candy Kingdom Talent Show, presumably
BlueWafer Candy Person #1 001 Wafer

The blue wafer appears in the crowd in "Slumber Party Panic" and in the episode "What Have You Done?"

Chocoberry Chocoberry 002 Chocolate Covered Strawberry Not actually a candy person, but rather a strawberry imported from another kingdom (presumably Wildberry Kingdom); has a French accent.
MrCupcake Mr. Cupcake 003 Cupcake Seems to have a crush on Lady Rainicorn
4 Candy Person #4 004 Tall Cupcake, looks like a Twinkie Appears in the crowd in "Slumber Party Panic" and "Mortal Recoil"
5BlueBubble Candy Person #5 005 Blue Bubblegum Bubble
Candy Person 6Redthing Candy Person #6 006 Assorted Hard Candies
MarshMallowKid Marshmallow Kids 007 Marshmallow There are six of them.
Mad candy lady Unknown none Chocolate Ball Pushed in "The Enchiridion!"
14 Candy Person #14 014 Purple Ball
15 Candy Person #15 015 Donut
Blue popsicle guy16Purple Popsicle Grape Popsicle Guy 016 Popsicle There are three of them. Red & Blue Popsicles have no confirmed name.
22 Candy Person #22 022 Candy Corn Appears to have three bodies
Candy Person 25 Candy Person #25 025 Candy Guava Has a very small horse on his head
Candy Person 28 Root Beer Guy 028 Root Beer Float Appears in the Adventure Time Theme Song, in the crowd in "Slumber Party Panic," and stars in "Root Beer Guy"
Dirt Bag Guy angry Dirt Beer Guy 028 Candied Plant Appears in "Cherry Cream Soda" as a zombie version of Root Beer Guy
Cherry Cream Soda Cherry Cream Soda None Cherry Cream Soda Float Appears in "Root Beer Guy"
35 Candy Person #35 035 Pink Bubblegum Bubble
Candy Person 38 Candy Person #38 038 Chocolate Bar
Chocolate Covered Banana Candy Person #39 039 Chocolate Covered Banana Not actually candy
Gingerbread pen Gingerbread Pen 043 Gingerbread Man 1 of 4, based on the creator of the series, Pendleton Ward
Gingerbread pat Gingerbread Pat 044 Gingerbread Man 2 of 4, based on the creative director Patrick McHale
Gingerbread muto Gingerbread Muto 045 Gingerbread Man 3 of 4, based on storyboard artist Adam Muto
Gingerbread Rebecca Gingerbread Rebecca None Gingerbread Woman 4 of 4, based on the storyboard artist Rebecca Sugar
Candy Person 51 Candy Person #51 051 Strawberry Dipped in Strawberry Creme Not actually candy
53 Chocolate Bar Guy 053 Dark Chocolate Bar Appears in "Mystery Train"
Candy Person 54 Candy Person #54 054 Stacked Gumdrops Has three bodies like Candy Corn
Picture1 Pineapple Guy 056 Pineapple Not actually candy; seen in "Mystery Train"
57 Banana Guy 057 Partially Peeled Banana Not actually candy
I have no flipping idea
Unknown none Unknown Appears in "The Enchiridion!"
Candy Person 59 Lollipop Girl 059 Lollipop Has a crush on Ice Cream Guy
60 Candy Person #60 060 Purple Grape Drop Has an uncle and works the special effects in "Summer Showers"
61 Candy Person #61 061 Layered Ice Cream Treat Appears in the crowd in "Slumber Party Panic" and is recolored in "Come Along With Me"
62 Candy Person #62 062 Mexican Candy Appears in the crowd in "Slumber Party Panic"
63 Candy Person #63 063 Striped Strawberry Ice Cream Treat There are two of them. Not actually candy.
Candy Person 64 Candy Person #64 064 Sundae Appears in the crowd in "The Enchiridion!"
65 Candy Person #65 065 Raisin Not actually candy; appears in the Adventure Time Theme Song and in the crowd in "Slumber Party Panic"
67 Candy Person #67 067 Melted Chocolate Rabbit Revived
101 Candy Person #101 A 101 A Ice Cream Man Revived
102 Candy Person #102 A 102 A Red Ice Cream Sandwich Revived
102B Uncle Chewy 102 B Blue Ice Cream Sandwich Revived
103 Jam Jam 103 A Chocolate Malt Ball Revived; his toy was stolen by the Door Lord in "What Was Missing."
104 Candy Corn Grandma 104 Candy Corn Revived
Candy Heart Candy Heart 105 Candy Heart Revived; seen in Issue 4 of Adventure Time (comic) being washed by Jake and half dissolved; also seen in Aventure Time: Banana Guard Academy, where the candy people call him "Tug."
OldMrCreamPuff Mr. Cream Puff 107 Cream Puff Revived; Princess Bubblegum used to date him; created by Gumbald.
Candy Person 110 Candy Person #110 110 Eclair Revived (also)
Candy Person 111 Candy Person #111 111 Cupcake Revived
Candy Person 112 Caramel Apple 112 Caramel Apple Revived
Candy Person 114 Candy Person #114 114 Cotton Candy Revived
116 Candy Person #116 116 Jelly Bean Revived
Candy Person 108 Ice Cream Lady 108 Ice Cream Said "Former dead relative!" in "Slumber Party Panic"
Candy Person 200 Candy Person #200 200 Blue Furry Ball Not actually candy, nor edible
Candy Person 201 Candy Person #201 201 Blue Candy Corn Has three bodies also like Candy Corn and candy person #54
Candy Person 205 Upside-Down Ice Cream Cone 205 Upside Down Ice Cream Cone Man Was seen putting fedoras on instruments in "Video Makers"; part of candy staff
Sugar cube Sugar Cube 050 Sugar Cube Appears to be in love with a purple candy guava
Yummy Root Bear Popsicle Candy Person #55 055 Chocolate Popsicle
Milkshake The Ice Cream 023 Ice Cream Cone Partially eaten by Princess Bubblegum in "Mortal Folly"
Browniestub Unknown None Brownie Person Seen in the background of the party in "The Enchiridion!"
Screenshot 2018-10-06 at 2.26.59 PM Unknown None British Candy Appears in "Goliad," "Gold Stars," and in "Hot Diggity Doom"
Candy Brick Unknown None British Candy Appears in "Goliad," "Gold Stars," and in "Hot Diggity Doom"
Candy brick 3 Unknown None British Candy Appears in "Goliad," "Gold Stars," and in "Hot Diggity Doom"
Candy Brick 2 Unknown None British Candy Appears in "Goliad," "Gold Stars," and in "Hot Diggity Doom"
Science Science, Candy Corn rats None Candy Corn Rat A pet of Princess Bubblegum (Science); seen living in the attic of the Candy Kingdom in "Too Young" (Candy Corn rats)
ColCandyCorn Colonel Candy Corn None Candy Corn Second to be "murdered" in "Mystery Train"
66 Candy Person #66 066 Candy Person Not actually candy; one of the few remaining passengers in "Mystery Train"
DrJ Dr. J None Upside-Down Blue Ice Cream Lives in the "bad" part of the Candy Kingdom
Jaybird Jaybird None Upside-Down Green Ice Cream Lives in the "bad" part of the Candy Kingdom
Wormo trans Wormo None Gummy Worm

Lives in the "bad" part of the Candy Kingdom

Cookie Guy Cookie Guy None Cookie Lives in the "bad" part of the Candy Kingdom
Smudge Smudge None Gingerbread Man Lives in the "bad" part of the Candy Kingdom
Candy Corn Shady Candy Tavern People None Candy Corn Lives in the "bad" part of the Candy Kingdom. A member of Dr. J's gang.
LollipopTavernPeople Candy Tavern People None Lollipop Lives in the "bad" part of the Candy Kingdom. A member of Dr. J's gang.
Walnut Candy Tavern People None Walnut Not actually candy; lives in the "bad" part of the Candy Kingdom
NutwithCream Candy Tavern People None Frosted Nut Not actually candy; lives in the "bad part of the Candy Kingdom
Peg Leg Ice Cream Candy Tavern People None Ice Cream w/ Peg Leg Lives in the "bad" part of the Candy Kingdom
CandyTavern Candy Tavern People None Cherry w/ Eyepatch Not actually candy; lives in the "bad" part of the Candy Kingdom
Candy Tavern Bartender Candy Tavern Bartender None Dark Green Upside-Down Ice Cream Cone Lives in the "bad" part of the Candy Kingdom and is named Charlie.
Toter Tart Toter None Gingerbread Man Former Tart Toter
RockcandyJustintrans Justin Rockcandy None Rock Candy Used to have a crush on Betsy.
JellyHorse Jelly Horse None Jelly Horse Appears to levitate
S5e21 Braco Braco None Peeled Banana Not actually candy
Princess Cookie Princess Cookie None Chocolate Chip Cookie
Candy cane man1 Unknown None Candy Cane
Candy person 231 Candy Person 231 231 Jawbreaker Appears in "The Diary."
Pink Milkshake Pink Milkshake None Milkshake A drink that appears in "Video Makers" seen in a cup held by Princess Bubblegum. It has eyes that make popping sounds when blinking.
Screenshot 2018-10-13 at 12.46.54 PM Unknown None Purple Candy Part of the Candy Hospital Staff.
Pink cream Unknown None Pink Ice Cream Appears in the crowd in "Slumber Party Panic"
Green bunny Unknown None Green Candy Bunny

Appears in the crowd in "Slumber Party Panic"

Chocolat br Unknown None Chocolate Bar Appears in the crowd in "Slumber Party Panic"
Screen Shot 2018-11-02 at 8.18.10 PM
Unknown None Blue Candy Appears in the crowd in "Slumber Party Panic" and is part of the Castle Staff
Pink cany Marc None Pink Gumdrop Appears in the crowd in "Slumber Party Panic"
Light blue candy Unknown None Light Blue Gumdrop Appears in the crowd in "Slumber Party Panic"
Red Stacked Gumdrops Unknown None Red Stacked Gumdrops Has three bodies also like Candy Corn.
Orange Candy
Unknown None Orange Candy Appears in the crowd in "Slumber Party Panic" and on the castle in "Come Along With Me"
Gelatin Man Gelatin Man None Gelatin Saved Finn and Jake by accident in "Mystery Train"
Pup Gang Pup Gang None Gummy People First appeared in "You Made Me."
CandyOwl Candy Owl None Hard Candies Appears flying in the dungeon of the Candy Kingdom in "What Have You Done?"
Screen Shot 2018-10-16 at 1.51.15 PM 2 Unknown 202 Green Lime And Custard candy Appears in the audience in "Summer Showers"
I spent 20 minutes giving this guy legsand fixing him without photoshop yoshifun1 Lime Candy People None Green Lime ball 14 of them appear near the end of "Mortal Recoil"
Marshmellow man Unknown None Marshmellow Appears in the audience in "Summer Showers"
Blue thin gumdrop Unknown None Blue Candy Appears in the audience in "Summer Showers"
Screenshot 2018-10-27 at 1.58.47 PM
Unknown None Green Candy Appears in "No One Can Hear You"
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Peanut None Peanut Not actually candy, a member of the Veritas Brigade.
Red candy Unknown None Red Gummy Worm Appears in the crowd in "The Enchiridion!"
Green wormcandy Unknown None Green Gummy Worm Appears in the crowd in "The Enchiridion!"
Torquise swirl Unknown None Turquoise Swirl Appears in the crowd in "The Enchiridion!"
Cotton cand1Cotton cand2 Cotton Candy Guy None Cotton Candy Appears in the crowd in "The Enchiridion!" there are two of them one with curls and one with white bottom.
Fluff candy Unknown None Lavender Marshmallow Appears in the crowd in "The Enchiridion!"
Torqise masrh Unknown None Turquoise Marshmallow Appears in the crowd in "The Enchiridion!"
Purple candy ball wth 2 hats Unknown None Purple Candy Ball Appears in the crowd in "The Enchiridion!"
Blue Cake Unknown None Blue Cake Appears in the crowd in "The Enchiridion!"
Red Cake Unknown None Red Cake Appears in the crowd in "The Enchiridion!"
Green Candy Unknown None Frosted Green Candy Ball Appears in the crowd in "The Enchiridion!"
Blue Candy Unknown None Frosted Blue Candy Ball Appears in the crowd in "The Enchiridion!"
Purple Candy Unknown None Violet Candy Ball Appears in the crowd in "The Enchiridion!"
Screen Shot 2018-11-02 at 8.09.36 PM
Unknown None Yellow Candy Ball Appears in the crowd in "The Enchiridion!"
Brownie 2 Unknown None Dark Chocolate Appears in the crowd in "The Enchiridion!"
Grey brownie Unknown None Grey Brownie Appears in the crowd in "The Enchiridion!"

Grey Crystal

Cristal candy

Unknown None Green Rock Candy Shaped as a Crystal Appears in the crowd in "The Enchiridion! depicted in grey and in "Hot Diggity Doom" with a green color
Red icecream Unknown None Red Ice Cream Appears in the crowd in "The Enchiridion!" also looks like Ice Cream Guy
Orange candy Unknown None Orange Candy Appears in the crowd in "The Enchiridion!"
Orange candy ball Unknown None Orange Candy Ball Appears in the crowd in "The Enchiridion!"
Purple crown Unknown None Purple candy ball with cream Appears in the crowd in "The Enchiridion!"
Lollipops Unknown None Green, purple and red lollipops Appears in the crowd in "The Enchiridion!"
Giant Cake Unknown None Frosted Cake Appears in the crowd in "The Enchiridion!"
Heart Shaped Candy Unknown None Strawberry Not actually candy. Appears in the crowd in "The Enchiridion!"
Screen Shot 2018-11-02 at 9.00.06 PM 3
Unknown none Pink sugar cube May not actually be candy, appears in "Root Beer Guy"
Candy Bar Unknown None Chocolate Bar Appears in the crowd in "The Enchiridion!"
Donut GuyDonutGuy Kenneth 203 Sprinkled Donut Pink-frosted chocolate donut with sprinkles, appears the crowd at the talent show in "Five Short Graybles." The Cream-frosted donut appears in the "Adventure Time Theme Song" and "Slumber Party Panic"
Candy baby Candy Mother and Baby None Gumdrop Appears in "Dream of Love" and "Hug Wolf"
Gumdrop Teenager Gumdrop teenager None Gumdrop Appears in "Hug Wolf"
GDD Gumdrop Dad None Gumdrop Appears in "Hug Wolf"
Unknown 229 Wafer Stack Appears in "The Diary"
Candy Mom 233 Cake Pop Appears in "Be Sweet"
Candy Dad 234 Cake Appears in "Be Sweet"
235 Candy Kid 235 Dumpling-shaped candy Appears in "Be Sweet"
Ginga Gingerbread Actor None Gingerbread Man Appears in "Dream of Love" in the Gingerbread man movie and in "Gold Stars"
Candy Person 172 Unknown 172 Layered Candy Appears in "Princess Cookie"
Candy Nanny Candy Nanny None Peanut-Like Appears in "Goliad"
Red Candy Kid 2 Candy Kid None Red Candy Ball Appears in "Goliad," in "Gold Stars," and in "Summer Showers"
Pep kid Candy Kid None Starlight Peppermint Appears in "Goliad," in "Gold Stars," and in "Come Along With Me"
Marshmallow with freckles Candy Kid None Marshmallow Appears in "Goliad," in "Gold Stars," and in "Come Along With Me"
Green Kid Candy Kid None Hairy Green Gumdrop Introduced in "Goliad"
Candy Corn boi Candy Kid None Candy Corn Introduced in "Goliad"
Crazy boi Candy Kid None Peanut Not actually candy, Introduced in "Goliad""
Jelly Kid Candy Kid None Purple Candy Introduced in "Goliad"
Goliad Goliad None Candy Sphinx Appears in "Goliad"
Stormo 2 Stormo None Candy-Human Hybrid Sphinx Appears in "Goliad"
S4e20 Crunchy Crunchy None Originally Bubblegum Humanoid, Became Chocolate Chip Cookie, via Dum Dum Juice He has a rainbow-colored aura.
Chicle 01 Chicle None Formerly chocolate chip cookie, temporarily reverted back to bubblegum humanoid, via lumps Princess Bubblegum's cousin
Lemon Horse trans Lemon Camel None Candy Lemon Camel Created by Princess Bubblegum and used as Earls' transportation.
Lemonpegasus Lemon Pegasus None Candy Lemon Pegasus Created by PB and used as transportation for the Earls.
S5e43 Buck Pudding Buck Pudding None Pudding Appears in "Root Beer Guy"
Pete Sassafras Pete Sassafras None Sassafras Hard Candy Appears in "Candy Streets"
Ann Ann None Ice Cream Appears in "Candy Streets"
S5 e25 Delivery guy tackled by LSP Petey None Wafer Appears in "Candy Streets"
BlueBerry Blueberry Cop #1 and Jimmy None Blueberries Not actually candy; appear in "Candy Streets"
Candy receptor Coolest Hotel receptor None Purple Candy Appears in "Candy Streets"
James James None Wafer

He has his clones

S5e14 Face on pink substance-0 Mother Gum None Bubblegum She is Bonnie and Neddy's mother, first appears in "Simon & Marcy" later she developed into a bigger substance.
Screenshot 2018-09-23 at 12.54.18 PM Unknown None Truffle Appears in "Davey," "Jake The Brick," and "The Dark Cloud."
Electrician Electrician Candy Ball Seen in "Bonnie & Neddy"
Fishing Candy Person Fishing Candy Person Candy Ball Seen in "Bonnie & Neddy"
Sunbathing Candy Person Sunbathing Candy Person Candy Ball Seen in "Bonnie & Neddy"
Bun Bun Official Bun Bun (character) None Cinnamon Bun Appears in "Bun Bun"
105CC98C-D3FA-4093-84F3-E6812F036BF7 Candy Boss Unknown Is Root Beer Guy's boss at Vitamin Telemarketing Industries.
A74F6572-E1DC-4297-82E7-AE5BB4F7D3D1 Blue Gumdrop Guy Gumdrop An employee at Vitamin Telemarketing Industries that appears in "Root Beer Guy".
F5E9C0F4-5AF3-40CE-B97C-67868DF562DD Candy Sheriff Unknown A sheriff that appeared in the episode, "Little Dude." He attempted to get revenge on Little Dude (character) for punching his Jelly Horse, but was smashed into a house.
C2DCB52D-B515-4507-BD21-F5BF10408362 Candy Trimmer 1 Unknown A citizen of the Candy Kingdom that was seen trimming trees along with Candy Trimmer 2 in the episode, "The Suitor".
39B77AA8-3ECB-4191-96A0-96CB3950DAEA Candy Trimmer 2 Unknown A citizen of the Candy Kingdom that was seen trimming trees along with Candy Trimmer 1 in the episode, "The Suitor".
7A5A3151-5980-413A-B022-E778C5F53F31 Candy Waiter Unknown A waiter to a restaurant in the Candy Kingdom. He mentions that he saw Gareth make a "dine and dash". Appears in the episode "One Last Job".
Candy Probs
Candy Probes The Candy Probes were created by Princess Bubblegum to spread candy-life on other planets.

Lemon People[]

Main article: Lemon People

The sour candy people who were created by the Earls of Lemongrab.

Image Official Name Prod. No. Basic Description Other details
S5e9 Plop-Top Plop-Top None Sour Candy Created with the last of The Lemon Kingdom's food.
S5e9 Lemonjon Lemonjon None Made of Lemon Drops He sacrificed himself into tiny candy to save his people.
S5e9 Lemon children 6 Lemon Fortress None Lemon-Lime Humanoid Made with food Princess Bubblegum sent The Earls.
S5e9 Lemon Head Lemon Head None Sweet Lemon Made with food sent from PB.
S5e9 Green nose LG Lime Guy None Pickled Lime Created with food Princess Bubblegum sent The Earls.
S5e9 LG Snail Giant Lemon Snail None Lemon Candy Snail Created with food PB sent The Earls.
S5e9 LG Snail Lemon-Lime Snake None Lemon-Lime Candy Snake Created with food PB sent The Earls.
S5e9 LG Snail Lemon Sliced Twins None Half of a lemon each twin, with legs. Created with food PB sent The Earls
S5e9 LG Snail Lemon Jr. None Mini Lemon Candy Created with food PB sent The Earls.
Seed-wad Seed-Wad None Candy Seed Wad Created with the candy plant seeds sent by PB to The Earls.
Lemonhope Lemonhope None Sour candy Created with food PB sent The Earls.

Elements Candy People[]

Image Official Name Basic Description Other details
Pure Elemental Princess Bubblegum Pure Candy Elemental Princess Bubblegum’s pure elemental form. Can transform anything into candy, including beings.
Marshmaline the Campfire Queen Marshmallow The candified version of Marceline. Princess Bubblegum's right hand woman.
Fun the Human
Fun the Human Spearmint The candified version of Fern.
Nectr Gingerbread Robot A candified version of Neptr
Sentient Jellybeans Jellybean The Sentient Jellybeans are some of the many candy-assimilated creatures seen during the Elements mini-series. They were seemingly created by the Candy Clouds. They appear to be small jellybeans with faces.
Sentient Lollipop
Sentient Lollipop Lollipop The Sentient Lollipop is a giant lollipop that can be seen in the Candy Kingdom's Forest in the episode, "Skyhooks II." It appears to be a giant lollipop with a pink wrapper and a white stem. It has two eyes and a line for a face.

Fictional and Unknown Candy People[]

Fictional and unknown candy people a list of candy people that are seen in Fionna and Cake (a fanfiction created by Ice King) and candy people that possibly exist in Ooo.

Image Official Name Prod. No. Basic Description Other details
PG1 Prince Gumball None Bubblegum Candy person Prince of the Candy Kingdom (fictional) gender-swap of Princess Bubblegum
Mrs. Candy Cane Candy Cane Girl None Candy Cane Gender-swap of Candy Cane Guy
GumdropLad Gumdrop Lad 1 None Pink Gum Drop Gender-swap of Gumdrop Lass 1
Cinnamon Bun in Dress Cinnamon Bun in Dress None Cinnamon Bun Gender-swap of Cinnamon Bun
Female Starchy Starchy None Chocolate Malt Ball Gender-swap of Starchie
Ms. Cupcake Ms. Cupcake 003 (gender-swap) Cupcake Gender-swap of Mr. Cupcake
Gingerbread Rebecca Gingerbread Cookie None Gingerbread Woman 4 of 4, based on the storyboard artist Rebecca Sugar.
Loly Pop Boy Lollipop Boy 025 (gender-swap) Lollipop sex-swap of Lollipop Girl
Female Sugar Cube Sugar Cube Lady 050 (gender-swap) Sugar Cube sex-swap of Sugar Cube
Gummy Sugar Bears None Sugar Bears Appears in "Her Parents"
Blue Jelly Kinder Jelly Kinder None Jelly Man Appears in "Fionna and Cake"
PBwitholdperson Unknown None Possible bubblegum candy person. Possible grandmother of Princess Bubblegum and possible former royalty. Appears in a picture in "Susan Strong"
Screen shot 2011-07-21 at 2.35.32 AM Unknown None

Possible bubblegum candy person.

Possible link to Princess Bubblegum and appears in a picture in "The Duke"


  • Gingerbread Pen, Gingerbread Pat and Gingerbread Muto are candy versions of Adventure Time staff members Pendleton Ward, Pat McHale and Adam Muto.
  • Adam Muto claimed that Candy People can regrow lost parts of their body if it is eaten.
  • Many of the Candy People were shown and named in the "Candy Kingdom Song."
  • The only Candy Person not seen revived was Candy Person #119.


Modelsheet bananaguard Gumdrop lasses CandyPeople
The full image gallery for Candy People may be viewed at Candy People/Gallery.

See also[]

