Adventure Time Wiki
Adventure Time Wiki
Adventure Time Wiki

For newcomers to this site, welcome! As a courtesy, please read the rules before joining. Here on this page are Frequently Asked Questions by said people with all the answers you need. Do not hesitate to ask more questions!


  • What are pings?

A ping is a noise that plays when a set phrase is typed into chat. You can get pings by going into the options menu and clicking the box that says "Enable Chathacks".

  • Can I say xxx?

The answer is no. The only allowed swears are hell, damn, crap and piss. Don't use them in an impolite way, and be responsible.

  • Are you an admin?

A list of admins can be found here.

  • Can a user be banned if they are annoying me?

We can only kick or ban if the rules are actually broken. It is not allowed to ban someone if they're being annoying unless it's actually trolling.

  • What can Chat Mods do?

Chat Mods can kick people and ban people from chat.

  • Can I rename my account?

Yes, but only once.

  • Do you guys ever actually talk about Adventure Time here?

Yes and no. If you ask nicely, maybe we could.

  • Where are the emoticons located?

The list of emotes is located at Mediawiki:Emoticons

  • Can I be mod?

Only if you're a well-trusted, active member, and if we have slots open.

  • You banned me for no reason!

All bans are given for a reason. If you don't understand, please message the moderator who banned you for more information.

  • Can we roleplay?

Yes. As long as most people in chat are okay with it and are willing to participate, it's allowed. All rules apply. Nothing inappropriate, and if someone asks you to stop, take it to a PM.

  • There's a user harassing me in PM. Can you do something about it?

No, we can't. It is your responsibility to block a user from PMing you. You can block and unblock a user by hovering over their name and selecting 'Block Private Messages'.

  • I have more questions!

Again, do not hesitate to ask! We will be glad to help you with any problem needing to be fixed!
